BulletSpace Mac OS

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Select a blank cell, and then on the Insert tab, click Symbol. At the bottom of the dialog box, type 2022 in the Character code box. Then click Insert, and Close. If you need another bullet on a new line underneath, type ALT+ENTER and repeat the process. #Python 2.7 on Mac: import turtle: import os: #Set up the screen: wn = turtle. Bgcolor ('black') wn. Title ('Space Invaders') #Draw border: borderpen = turtle. Turtle borderpen. Speed (0) borderpen. Color ('white') borderpen. Penup borderpen. Setposition (-300,-300) borderpen. Pendown borderpen. Pensize (3) for side in range. Graduates of School of Visual Arts - the names, photos, skill, job, location. Information on the School of Visual Arts - contacts, students, faculty, finances. Saturday & Sundays 1PM – 6PM or by appointment or chance BULLET SPACE 292 E 3rd Street New York, New York 10009 bulletspace@gmail.com 917.841.5921 or 347.277.9841.

A buddy send a request. He was installing MediaWiki on Ubuntu and he was having issues so he asked me to take a look. I reviewed a link on Linux Support and HowtoForge on installing MediaWiki, and found them to be a tad dated. So, I went through the installation myself, and here is how I installed it.

All steps are done as an sudoer or as the root user. Jungle jim game. I did this on AWS with a Ubuntu 18.04 minimal base image. I assume you know how to log into a console. I used Apache. You can use Nginx, but the server directions are different and I did not have a chance to try them out.

Update the OS

Install basic packages

Once PHP is installed you will get a notice similar to:

Ld-47-disasteroids mac os. I enabled it after the fact and it worked. You can do it now or later as you desire.

Modify PHP settings (Optional)


If you are putting your server into production, use the following settings initially. If you are just looking around, the default php.ini settings are fine except for the timezone settings. You should set the timezone appropriately.

For production, edit /etc/php/7.2/apache2/php.ini and make the following changes:

Run the secure installation for MariaDB (Optional)

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If you are running a production server, you should do a secure installation.

Create the MediaWiki table space

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Login to MariaDB

And create the MediaWIki user and db as follows

Where password is a secure password. This will be put into the MediaWiki configuration later, so do not forget it. The database mediadb and user media can be anything you want them to be.

Edit Apache's site configuration

You will need to add MediaWiki to the site configuration. Create a new file called mediawiki.conf


If you are putting your server into production, use the following settings initially. If you are just looking around, the default php.ini settings are fine except for the timezone settings. You should set the timezone appropriately.

For production, edit /etc/php/7.2/apache2/php.ini and make the following changes:

Run the secure installation for MariaDB (Optional)

Bulletspace Mac Os Downloads

If you are running a production server, you should do a secure installation.

Create the MediaWiki table space

Bulletspace Mac Os Catalina

Login to MariaDB

And create the MediaWIki user and db as follows

Where password is a secure password. This will be put into the MediaWiki configuration later, so do not forget it. The database mediadb and user media can be anything you want them to be.

Edit Apache's site configuration

You will need to add MediaWiki to the site configuration. Create a new file called mediawiki.conf

And add the following:

Where the ServerAdmin variable should be real email address and the ServerName should be the domain name of the server. Also, ensure that the DocumentRoot is correct. If you only want to use MediaWiki, you can set the DocumentRoot to /var/www/html, but you have to modify a step below as well.

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Restart everything

Do not restart the server yet! Instead, restart the key services.

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Download the current MediaWiki source

From the MediaWiki site, make sure you have the correct version. As of this writing, it is: mediawiki-1.33.1

Change to a temporary directory, download, untar, and move the file to the web server:

If you modified the DocumentRoot in the Apache configuration to /var/www/html, you will need to modify the command above. You will only need to move the contents of the base mediawiki folder:

Point your browser at the web site

Depending on your confirmation you can either use localhost or the hostname of your server. If you use the mediawiki folder option, you have to put the folder on the end.

Good luck!

Web Links

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